Sunday, June 27, 2010

a morning in my life

So our hostel in Rabat has a shared bathroom for all the guests... not a bad thing, in fact, most budget options have a dorm-like setting... The problem with this specific setting however, is that it has a traditional moroccan toilet (i.e. a hole in the ground), ok, I can work my way around a hole in a ground, I have spent summers using out houses and such, so this shouldnt be so bad... but when I talk about moroccan style, I mean, MOROCCAN STYLE...  they have no toilet paper but a bucket with water to clean yourself, so the floor is always wet, and as a woman trying to use this facility, well... lets just say that it presents some challenges.

Now, about my biology... I like to pee first thing in the morning, and call me whatever you want, I cannot use their toilet... I dont want to risk getting my pants, feet self wet with their little mechanism or their floors... so every morning I get dressed and rush through morning obligations and go out and take a cab to a coffee shop on the other side of town which I know has a western toilet... 

And that is how my days begin in Rabat.

On another note, we are moving to Marrakesh in a few days to begin phase 1 (month 1) of our research... yay! lucky us for ending up in such an awesome place for our work... I am pretty excited... and pretty scared about the possibility of not being able to find as much information as I needed for the work that needs to be done... 


  1. sjona maybe you should invest in a bed pan...I am sure you can get one at the market. ha. you and your biology.
